Our pasture-raised beef has been in high demand! Reserve yours now to be sure you don’t miss out!
This deposit reserves one custom cut whole of our 100% ranch raised beef. You choose which cuts you receive and how you want them packaged (steak thickness and type, roast sizes, bones/no bones, etc.) We are happy to walk you through these choices on one of our simple cut sheets! Free delivery within 100 miles.
In the drop down menu, choose the month you wish to receive your 1/2 cow share. Beef is typically ready for pick up or delivery around the 1st- 2nd week of the month. Once your reservation is made, we will contact you with details and a cut sheet to fill out (Never filled out a cut sheet? Don’t worry, we can help!)
Packaged meat yield is normally roughly 60% of the hanging weight. 2 options available (select your preference in the drop down):
Grass Finished $6.00/lbs x 800 lbs = $4,800
$6.00/lb hanging weight (Usually 800 lbs hanging weight per cow). Beef and processing included! This means the total cost is usually $4,800. (Exact weight is determined when the beef is sent to the butcher).
Packaged meat yield is normally 65% of the hanging weight depending on how you choose to break down your cow (if you choose to keep bones, offal, etc.)
Please note that the provided image is for reference purposes only, as the size and cuts may vary.
Whole Cow (CUSTOM CUT)
Non-Refundable Deposit
Certificate with further instructions to follow upon purchase. Pick up to be scheduled upon slaughter.